Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Help save Baby Tiferet Ayala

Baby Tiferet, age 7 months, lives in Gush Etzion. She was born with a highly uncommon bilateral cleft lip. This anomaly makes it urgent for her to undergo two highly complex surgeries at the Boston Children's Hospital under Dr. John Mulliken. The doctors recommend that Tiferet should go through these procedures as soon as possible. Without these surgeries, Tiferet will suffer from hearing and speech disabilities with continuous threat of suffocating.

The cost estimate for these surgeries, not including accommodations, is $130,000 Your immediate tax deductible donation is the only possible way to help rebuild Tiferet's life. The trip to the USA is set for January, 15, 2007. All donations are welcome and may be transferred into a special fund that was opened especially for this purpose at the Gush Etzion Foundation. We need your help now! for Baby Tiferet Ayala Daltrophe" All donations are recognized as Tax Deductible by Article 46 of Israel's Taxation Laws and 501c in the USA and will receive receipts.

For donations on line, http://gush-etzion.org.il/donate_now1.asp

or by mail:

Gush Etzion Foundation
POB 1030
Manchester, NH 03105
Tel: 603-623-1212
Fax: 603-627-0029

In Israel:
Keren Gush Etzion
Alon Shvut
D.N. North Judea
Israel 90433
Tel: 972-2-993-9917
Fax: 972-2-993-2169

(posted on MonseyShuls by Haya Hava Shulman)

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